Y Felinheli Business directory

> United Kingdom > Wales > Caernarfon > Gwynedd > Y Felinheli

Y Felinheli entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here with informations of address, opening hours and reviews of users. You can register your own company entry or association on this page.

Y Felinheli entries

There were 61 entries found

The Office Block, Beach Road
Y Felinheli
LL56 4RQ

 01248 670 037
 01248 670 037

Ffordd Siabod
Y Felinheli
LL56 4XA

 01248 670 559
 01248 670 300

Garth Bach Nant Y Garth
Y Felinheli
LL56 4QF

48 Brynffynnon
Y Felinheli
LL56 4SJ

 01248 671 663

1 Gwylan Uchaf
Y Felinheli
LL56 4YJ

 01248 670 679

Pant Yr Afallen Bach
Y Felinheli
LL56 4QN

 01248 670 194
 01248 670 194

8 Bangor Street
Y Felinheli
LL56 4JD

 01248 670 680
 01248 670 680

Fodol Isaf
Y Felinheli
LL56 4QD

 01248 671 099

Ty Sul, Capel Bryn, Menai, Ffordd Bryn Ffyn
Y Felinheli
LL56 4SX

 01248 671 601

Hen Ysgol Aberpwll
Y Felinheli
LL56 4JS

 01248 671 167
 01286 685 301

Y Felinheli
LL56 4SX

 01248 670 924

Unit 1 Old Station Yard
Y Felinheli
LL56 4JQ

 01248 670 674
 01248 671 777

Hafan Y Wennol
Y Felinheli
LL56 4QF

 01248 679 000
 01248 679 079

Cerrig Yr Afon Nursing Home, Caernarfon Road
Y Felinheli
LL56 4NX

 01248 670 309
 01248 671 818

Bangor Street
Y Felinheli
LL56 4JE

 01248 679 939

81 Ffordd Glyder
Y Felinheli
LL56 4QX

 01248 671 211

Bangor St
Y Felinheli
LL56 4JD

Beach Road
Y Felinheli
LL56 4RQ

 01248 671 215

85 Hen Gei Llechi
Y Felinheli
LL56 4PE

 0800 980 9661
 0870 750 2356

1 Jubilee Terrace, Lon Emyr
Y Felinheli
LL56 4JA

 01248 671 591

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Cities & surrounding

Y Felinheli branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Y Felinheli in this month. This month 36 companies were registered, 86 were updated and 43 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Y Felinheli March 2025Diagram Y FelinheliDiagram Y Felinheli March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Y Felinheli with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Y Felinheli 2025Statistics Y FelinheliStatistics Y Felinheli 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Y Felinheli