Merthyr Tydfil Business directory Page 4

> United Kingdom > Wales > Merthyr Tydfil

Business entries of Merthyr Tydfil are listed here with address, hours and experience reports of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or organization on this page.

Merthyr Tydfil entries

There were 1304 entries found

Bridge St, Troedyrhiw
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 4DT

19 Church Street
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 0AY

Unit 13, Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 4DR

 01443 692 691
 01443 690 096

Register Office Ty Penderyn, 26 High Street
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 8DP

 01685 350 353
 01685 350 984

Old Chapel Road, Cefn Coed
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 2PR

 01685 382 019
 01685 382 019

North St, Dowlais
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 3EH

 01685 379 002
 01685 379 002

Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 2UR

 07779 116 502

Queens Road
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 0HE

 01685 721 767

Cottrell Street, Aberfan
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 4QU

 01443 693 115

2 Dan-Y-Twyn
CF46 5AN

 01443 412 912

79A Harlech Drive
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 1JU

 01685 370 461

Cwmbargoed Disposal Point, Fochriw Road
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 4AE

 01685 841 050
 01639 845 121

River Walk
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 8EN

 07976 250 920

5 Victoria Buildings
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 4JT

 01443 690 430

3 Lower High Street
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 8EB

Cardiff Road, Merthyr Vale 
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 4RX

3 Hawthorn Drive
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 0LZ

 01685 373 895

93 Pontmorlais
Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 8UH

 01685 723 723
 01685 384 108

The Pavilion
CF46 6ST

 01443 740 245

5 The Avenue
CF46 5NN

 01443 410 188

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Cities & surrounding

Merthyr Tydfil branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Merthyr Tydfil in this month. This month 21 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 9 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Merthyr Tydfil March 2025Diagram Merthyr TydfilDiagram Merthyr Tydfil March 2025New registrationDeleteUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Merthyr Tydfil with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Merthyr Tydfil 2025Statistics Merthyr TydfilStatistics Merthyr Tydfil 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Merthyr Tydfil