Llantwit Major Business directory Page 5

> United Kingdom > Wales > Vale of Glamorgan > Barry > Llantwit Major

Llantwit Major entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here with informations of address, operation hours and reviews. You can register your own company entry or organization on this page.

Llantwit Major entries

There were 305 entries found

1 Pound Field
Llantwit Major
CF61 1DL

 01446 793 333
 01446 791 900

Troutbeck, The Lane, Colhugh Street
Llantwit Major
CF61 1RJ

Island House, Colhugh Street
Llantwit Major
CF61 1RE

 01446 792 505
 01446 795 452

24 Monmouth Way
Llantwit Major
CF61 2GT

 01446 793 640

Village Farm
Llantwit Major
CF61 1ZG

 01656 890 218

St Donat's
Llantwit Major
CF61 1ZB

33 Heol Y Fro
Llantwit Major
CF61 2SA

 01446 796 435

Marcross Court, Marcross
Llantwit Major
CF61 1ZD

Bank House, 1 East Street
Llantwit Major
CF61 1XY

 01446 795 785

Wyndham House, Boverton Road
Llantwit Major
CF61 1XZ

 01446 795 240
 01446 795 014

Newcourt, Cowbridge Road
Llantwit Major
CF61 2YS

 01446 775 548

Linwood House, 1 Groeswen
Llantwit Major
CF61 2UA

West Street
Llantwit Major
CF61 1SP

 01446 792 406
 01446 796 147

East Street
Llantwit Major
CF61 1XY

 01446 794 922

Media House, 13A 14A Poundfield Precinct
Llantwit Major
CF61 1DL

 01446 794 499

6 Colhugh Street
Llantwit Major
CF61 1RE

 01446 794 609

6 Barons Close House, East Street
Llantwit Major
CF61 1XY

 01446 796 420

2 Grange Gardens
Llantwit Major
CF61 2XB

Bramble Cotts, Boverton Pk
Llantwit Major
CF61 1UE

 01446 790 173

11 Pound Field
Llantwit Major
CF61 1DL

 01446 796 313
 01446 796 893

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Cities & surrounding

Llantwit Major branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Llantwit Major in this month. This month 14 companies were registered, 29 were updated and 77 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Llantwit Major December 2024Diagram Llantwit MajorDiagram Llantwit Major December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Llantwit Major with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Llantwit Major 2024Statistics Llantwit MajorStatistics Llantwit Major 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Llantwit Major